Communications Manager - Institute for Studies in Software Madrid (Madrid)
- Madrid
- Inscripción cerrada

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No se requiere experiencia
40.000€ Brutos/anuales
Marketing, publicidad y RRPP
Contrato De duración determinada
Duración de la oferta: hasta el 09/02/2025.
Proactively find topics / news worthy of being disseminated, and prepare media releases aimed at a general audience. Interact continuously with the Institute researchers to detect items that can be the subject of a dissemination action. Identify communication needs, weaknesses, goals. Elaborate and periodically revise a communication plan addressing the needs of the Institute. Establish a fluid relationship with main media outlets (newspapers, radio, tv). Manage social media. Manage internal communication. Update web pages (news). Support for dissemination of external events. Design / elaborate dissemination material. Support the design and coordination of research dissemination activities.
Very good command of Spanish (native or bilingual) and English (C1 level or equivalent required). Very good communication and interpersonal skills. Very good writing skills. We expect the successful candidate to be proactive and able to interact with the relevant actors on a continuous basis (media, communication personnel from the Regional Government and other Institutions such as the Institutes, Universities, etc.) Candidates should exhibit a high degree of independence within the established objectives. The ideal candidate will have proven previous experience (three years or more) in a similar / related position. Candidates should have the ability to understand scientific and technical concepts and reformulate them to reach the general public. Acquaintance with the use of usual computer tool suites is expected. Additional capabilities: Degree or proven studies / courses in any area related to this position. Working proficiency in the use of graphical design tools. Working proficiency in the use of video editing tools.
We offer one teleworking day per week, as well as opportunities for career growth and professional development
Institute for Studies in Software is looking for a Communications Manager 3 years of experience in related positions
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