Food Tour Guide/Host en Sevilla Sevilla (Sevilla)
- Sevilla
- Hace 25 horas (Actualizada)
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No se requiere experiencia
Retribución sin especificar
Hostelería, Turismo
Proceso de selección continuo.
The job is about guiding our groups of customers through the world of the local gastronomy by taking them through the tours that have been designed by Food Lover Tour. The guide/host will take our customers to several bars and restaurants that have previously selected. The guide will be sharing knowledge about the local culture and the local gastronomy but he will also have to make sure each one of the guests feel confortable and attended.
- Ideally, we are looking for a person who is "autonomo" and is able to work as a freelance guide. - The candidate must be fluent in English. Other languages will be very much appreciated but English is 100% required. If you don’t feel like having a 3 hours conversation with English speakers, then it is probably not the right job for you. - In Food Lover Tour we really value life experience. We are looking for someone who is used to other cultures and feels comfortable with any customer. - The candidate must be a real foodie just like our guests. Really enjoying and understanding food is key to be a successful guide. - The candidate must have a good knowledge of the city of Seville (traditions and history) - The candidate must either be a local or a person who has been living in Sevilla for several years - The candidate must be easy-going, empathetic, gregarious and passionate. Take in account that the job is about giving customers a great experience, the places we go and the food we eat is important but making customers feel comfortable and entertained is as important. - Ideally, we are looking for someone who already has a professional activity as this only is a part time job. - Compromise is important, our guides are asked to do between 1 and 3 tours per week depending on the season - It is not required to have any experience in the industry, we will provide the candidate a proper training.
- A fantastic job where the candidate will have the chance to meet people enjoying the best of the local gastronomy - For each tour the candidate will be awarded with the following: Free meal + fix salary + tips + incentive
Food Lover Tour is a guided food & wine walking tours company for foodies. We operate food tours in the city of Sevilla and we are looking for a passionate foodie to work as a food tour guide. The job is about guiding our customers through the world of the local gastronomy.
Más ofertas para ti
Córdoba, Málaga, Sevilla
Hace más de 100 días
Formación Relacionada
MasterD Escuelas Profesionales
Curso de Repostería Adaptado al Certificado de Profesionalidad
Escuela de Hostelería y Turismo MasterD
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